Exercise of the week - Lunge with Shoulder raise

Friday, May 7, 2010

: A Common Healthy Weight Loss Complaint

If it were easy everyone would be walking around with a lean, sexy body.

But hey, it's not in this world we live in today. Believe me, I understand all too well that there's temptation around every corner.

Everywhere you look there's fast food, junk food, chocolate, candy, ice cream, pizza...

And I know it tastes good. And I know when you get stressed your body craves it even more.

That's why you have to have a plan. You have to know what you're going to do to avoid those temptations. You have to plan your meals in advance.

Again, if this were easy everyone would be thin and in great shape. But they're not.

The first thing to do is come to grips with reality. To accept the fact that getting the body of your dreams is going to take effort.

The second is to understand that it's not going to be miserable. In fact, it's going to be a LOT of fun.

When you exercise you feel awesome. Sure, the weight comes off. But you also feel stronger. You're more alive. You can meet the demands of your day SO much easier.

How is that miserable?
nd when you start eating healthier the same thing happens. It really, really is true: you are what you eat.

Now, take a second and really think about that.

What you are putting in your mouth is what your body is using to regenerate itself with all the time.

If you're eating crappy food...

Get the picture ;-)

But don't worry, I've got a really cool and inexpensive resource for you to help you out BIG TIME with your healthy eating.

My partners over at Prograde Nutrition have created this 197 Healthy and Delicious Fat Burning Recipes ebook.

It's only $4.95 and I highly recommend it to make healthy weight loss much easier on you.


Yours in health,

Coach Greg

PS - Again, if you've been looking for easy-to-make recipes that fit into your healthy weight loss plan then look no further.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Easy Top 3 to lose weight

Easy Top 3 to lose weight

Ok so you are confused at all the detailed info you see on the web, the tv, magazines et.

so let me help you clear things up and make the top 3 easy weight loss tips for you;

1 - Eat 2-3 hours before bedtime - if you eat at bedtime your body slows down its metabolism and calorie burning furnace and you can potentially store some extra calories.

2 - eat at wake time - breakfast is just that, break-fast. eating first thing tells your body that its time to start burning calories and get going for the day.

3- Eat 5-6 meals to keep your metabolism on fire. Small meals every 3 hours keeps your metabolism on fire. Skipping meals will send the signal to store your calories. not good for weight loss.

Start with these simple three to get you on fire for you summer vacation body.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Easy Turkey salad

Check this recipe out- homemade mix

Tiff made me an excellent turkey salad today.

I wanted to share with you.

1 can turkey breast

1/4 c chopped onion

1/4 c dried cranberries

3 hardboild eggs

1/8 c slivered almonds

a bit of mayonase-to taste

a bit of mustard-to taste

Mix it all up and enjoy. Tasty crunchy satisfying high protein goodness.

lay it on a bed of lettuce and you have a great lunch or dinner.

I ate mine a snack time straight from the bowl.

Let me know how you like the recipe.

Be well

Coach Greg



Saturday, April 10, 2010

Easy High protein scramble

Made this for breakfast. Fast, easy, tasty.

2 whole eggs
1 egg white
3/4 c seasoned ground meat (leftovers)
1/4 c chopped onion
3/4 c chopped broccolli
1/4 c shredded cheese

scramble eggs and start cooking. pre-heat other ingredients except cheese.
mix in all other ingredients and finish cooking.

serve it up and enjoy.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tips to address Child Obesity

Childhood obesity is on the rise at an alarming rate in the U.S. It will take efforts from parents and educators to slow this trend. Here are a few tips to help your family be their healthiest.

1. Be health conscious Parents – You are the best example! If you exercise and eat healthy your kids will likely follow your lead.

2. Plan family meals – With our busy schedules it’s easy to go for the quick fast food meal. Plan a few nights a week together at the table and prepare a quick easy healthy meal. There are tons of recipes on line or get Progrades 197 recipes for only $4.95 at http://lefeverwellness.getprograde.com/prograderecipebook.html

3. Take time to exercise together – Step away from the X-Box or T.V. and plan an hour on the weekend or 30 minutes during the week to walk, ride bikes, or just get out and play with your kids. They will love it and you will all burn some calories together.

Together we can reverse the trend.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

1 pound = 4 pounds

I read this stat in Arthritis Today and wanted to share it with you.

According to research from Wake Forest U, one pound of weight lost equates to four pounds of reduced pressure exerted on each knee.

So many people I train with come to me with knee issues. Some from sports others from being overweight.

If your knees hurt and you have a few extra pounds you don’t want to carry anymore, imagine the extra benefit to simply losing weight and feeling better by 5 pounds, or more?

Here are a couple of the basics to drop a pound or two this week:

1- Add protein to your diet. – Most people have trouble losing because their starchy carbohydrate intake is too high. Carbs should be a complement to a meal, not the meal. Add some Eggs, Fish, Chicken, lean beef, tofu to every meal to create a good balance.

2- Eat 2 – 3 hours before bed. – Give your body time to digest your last meal. Everything including digestion slows at night. And a pizza before bed can make for some crazy dreams.

3- Keep portion sizes small – a serving of protein or starchy carbs is about the size of your palm (level, not piled high) Eat as much dark green veggies as you like. They add bulk and nutrients. .

4- Workout to burn more calories than you are eating. Be sure you are adding strength and cardio workouts 3-5 times per week. You can some of my quick workouts at my website for some ideas. Or call me for a free session to get you started.

Start today and let me know at the end of the week what you implemented and how good your results are.

Be strong and healthy

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

weight loss myths addressed

I read these on yahoo and liked them. check these out to lose a bit more.

Myth #1: Carbs are the Enemy

Experts suggest that carbohydrates play a star role in keep you energized and your organs functioning properly. The carb bad rap should rest squarely on the shoulders of "white carbs" like white bread, white rice, and sugar. These refined carbs, dietitians suggest, are more likely to pack on the pounds. Stick with whole grains like whole wheat pasta and brown rice for a healthier diet.

Myth #2: Never Eat After 8PM

The habit of under-eating all day only to overdo it at dinner time is likely where this myth came from. Eating excess calories at any hour of the day will lead to weight gain. Just remember: It's not when you eat, it's what you eat.

Myth #3: It's Not a Workout Unless You Sweat

A cardio workout that gets you huffing and puffing is vital for a healthy ticker, but that's only half the picture. Low-impact workouts, like weight-lifting and yoga, might not leave you drenched in sweat, but they're equally important to keeping your muscles strong and your body burning calories all day long. Work cardio and resistance training into your exercise regimen and you'll be seeing the full picture of health.

Myth #4: Weight-Lifting Bulks You Up

Most women don't have the necessary testosterone levels to transform them into the spitting image of Conan the Barbarian-era Arnold Schwarzenegger. But if you integrate weight-lifting into your workouts and find you're getting a little too cut, switch to lighter weights and more reps.

Myth #5: Muscle Weighs More than Fat

Here's the deal: a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weight exactly the same amount. A pound! The difference between muscle and fat is an issue of density and volume. Muscle is denser than fat and takes up less space in your body which can give you a leaner look overall.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What is your motivation for being fit>

Why do you want to be fit?

keeping up with your kids as they get older?

Participating in your families life rather than watching it from the sideline?

Being the best Mom you can be?

You can achieve anything you choose.

Let me know what your motivation is.

You can achieve a very high level of fitness regardless of how much time you have in a day.

Small changes to your diet and quick 6-10 minute workouts will help get you there.

Start with the diet basics:

1-Eat 5-6 smaller meals/snacks per day

2-eat fresh, not processed foods

3- eat your last meal 2 hours before bed

4- This is a big one for most women, Add protein to every meal. Thats, fish chicken, cheese, almonds, tofu, or a protein shake.

Make these changes and see your results.

Keep me posted.

Friday, March 26, 2010

1 Weird Friday Phenomenon (And Last Day of Sale)

Not too surprisingly, the fitness industry gets real busy on Mondays. Of course it's easy to understand why.

Look, I know fitness pros are often seen as fanatics. Heaven forbid we actually care about our bodies. But I'm not silly enough to think people are being perfect during their weekend.

And that, my friend, is why Mondays are busy and Fridays are slow. Party all weekend, pay for it on Monday.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Your body is going to be grateful to you when you choose health and fitness as a way of life.

It's not just something you care about Monday through Thursday.
So I tell ya what: How about I get off my soap box and you do something good for yourself right now? ;-)

My partners over at Prograde Nutrition have been celebrating all week for a very special reason. And by celebration I mean ALL of their awesome products are on sale at 15% off.

Now, two more things:
1) You absolutely, positively MUST watch the video on the page listed below because the reason for their celebration is SO darn cute.

2) The 15% savings ends TONIGHT, Friday, March 26th at 11:59pm EST. That's in just a few hours!

Have a healthy weekend

Friday, March 19, 2010

Simple and Yummy Chicken Pizza

Eating healthy does NOT mean bland and boring food. They say the proof is in the pudding.

Well, I don't have a recipe for pudding today, but how about one for pizza?!

This mouthwatering "Healthy Chicken Pizza" is just ONE of the 197 Healthy and Delicious Recipes my partners over at Prograde Nutrition have compiled.

Who can use 197 Phat burning easy recipes?

This is EXACTLY why I love partnering with Prograde Nutrition. They want what's best for you. Unlike supplement companies that feed you blatant lies and exaggerations, these guys just tell you the truth.

They know that supplements have their place in health and fitness. But they also know - and preach - that eating whole foods is the center piece of your nutrition plan.

And to prove it they just came out with this awesome little ebook called "197 Healthy And Delicious Phat Burning Recipes" that will make your life a whole lot easier.

The best part? It's only $4.95 because they think - and so do I - that it's just too important for you not to get your hands on.

Look, I know most people think eating healthy means bland and boring meals. That is absolutely, positively FALSE.

Get a copy of Prograde's "197 Healthy And Delicious Phat Burning Recipes" and taste for yourself.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thank you Referral gift for you

Thank you so much for sharing your personal training and boot camp experiences and successes with your friends, family and neighbors.

My business depends on a great program, your results, and most importantly your recommendation to others.

Starting March 1st, for every person that you refer and enroll in boot camp or personal training, I am pleased to offer a thank you gift of either…

A one-on-one personal training session with me at your location of choice


Three boot camp classes at the location of your choice.

You can use the gift yourself or share the love and pass it to someone else to use.

Again thank you so much for choosing LeFever Wellness to be part of your life.

Coach Greg


P.S. If your referral is unsure about our training program, send them to try one session FREE.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

7 Ti[s to dining out without regret

Dine Out Without Sabotaging Your Diet

We all work hard during the week to eat well and be healthy but what happens on the weekend? We’ve all said it and probably done it…”I’ll just eat what I want tonight, it’s my cheat night”

I agree that a cheat day is important in a good eating plan, however, don’t let that day ruin all your hard earned progress.

Going out to eat is a nice break in the week and should be an event that you enjoy, rather than one you get home from and feel miserable either physically, psychologically, or both.

All it takes to enjoy a meal out is a bit of planning and some awareness. Here are some tips to help you stay on track with your eating plan and still enjoy your night out.

1.Don’t go out feeling over hungry or “starving”. This could lead to overeating and over drinking.

2.Call or go online and review the restaurant menu. Look for healthy dishes, substitutions, and preparation choices.

3.Eat appetizers at home before you go out. Chose fruits, vegetables or some other low carb/low fat alternative. There are tons of great recipes. This will help avoid the craving for the high calorie high fat restaurant appetizers.

4.If you have to wait for a table, don’t wait at the bar. Order a drink and move to another area to socialize. This will also help decrease the possibility of over drinking and eating the dreaded “bar food”.

5.Ask for lower calorie healthy substitutions. Ask for steamed veggies or dressing on the side and avoid high calorie cream dressings. Ask for different sauces that have good flavor and lower fat.

6.Select meat and other dishes that are prepared by barbecue, broiled, roasted, and fresh. These methods help reduce the fat content

7.Avoid all fried foods. The fried foods are either high fat and calorie or higher fat and calorie. Either way, you work too hard to allow a fried dish to ruin your progress and possibly clog your arteries.

Most restaurants now have healthy items or are willing to substitute and prepare a dish to your request. Next time you go out, review this list to keep the tips fresh. Remember, you only get one body.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

20 pounds lost in 3 weeks?

I was doing some research on fat loss and came across this ad which many of you may have seen. Its for Wu-Yi Chinese Tea. The ad says Lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks! Amazing.

This sounds great! Like many other products out there, this is claiming to be the best one and they even have Oprah supporting their tea.

Here is the best part.... Every one of these fat loss products and testimonials has a small disclaimer which says....
Results will vary. ALL individuals used the product in combination with

There is the key ingredient! Diet and Exercise. Lets face it, there is no magic pill or potion. It takes dedication to a healthy lifestyle to be well.

Even though you all know my opinion, I'm going to tell you anyway,
This tea will have some health benefits, (as do other supplements) but the true method to be at your healthiest and to lose fat is a balanced Diet and Exercise.

You most likely will not lose 20 pounds of FAT in 3 weeks. In fact, say good-bye to some quality calorie burning muscle if you lose weight that fast. Call me first!

If you have any questions about health products or supplements that you are interested in or currently use, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you in making the most informed choice to achieve your goals.

Have a healthy week

Coach Greg

P.S. Support each other and your families in making good food choices.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lose 20 lbs in 3 weeks. Seriously?

I was doing some research on fat loss and came across this ad which many of you may have seen. Its for Wu-Yi Chinese Tea. The ad says Lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks! Amazing.

This sounds great! Like many other products out there, this is claiming to be the best one and they even have Oprah supporting their tea.

Here is the best part.... Every one of these fat loss products and testimonials has a small disclaimer which says....
Results will vary. ALL individuals used the product in combination with

There is the key ingredient! Diet and Exercise. Lets face it, there is no magic pill or potion. It takes dedication to a healthy lifestyle to be well.

Even though you all know my opinion, I'm going to tell you anyway,
This tea will have some health benefits, (as do other supplements) but the true method to be at your healthiest and to lose fat is a balanced Diet and Exercise.

You most likely will not lose 20 pounds of FAT in 3 weeks. In fact, say good-bye to some quality calorie burning muscle if you lose weight that fast. Call me first!

If you have any questions about health products or supplements that you are interested in or currently use, please let me know and I will be happy to assist you in making the most informed choice to achieve your goals.

Have a healthy week

Coach Greg

P.S. Support each other and your families in making good food choices.

Friday, February 12, 2010

How to enhance your daily walk

I’m frequently asked “how can I make my walk more efficient and calorie burning?”

Walking is great, it gets you outside in the fresh air, can be social when you bring a friend, or relaxing to clear your mind…very nice.

Nice for those reasons, but not the highest calorie burning exercise.

My top two ways to increase your calorie burn on a walk?
1) Increase your movements – the more you move the more calories you burn. Swing your arms, take a full stride, and stay loose.

2) Add some resistance moves – adding resistance moves is the best way to increase muscle usage, increase your heart rate and burn more calories.
a. Add in squats when you are waiting for stop lights
b. lunge across the street (watch for traffic-sprint if necessary)
c. add some tricep dips at a small seating wall or park bench
d. Perform 20 jumping jacks every ¼ mile.

You get the idea. Be creative and enjoy yourself. And of course always use good form.

Keep up the good work and please leave a comment on your progress

Valentines Reminder for Prograde Lean Special

Well, the weekend is just about here - and so is Valentine's Day. Hopefully, your significant other is going to get you some nice flowers or a card and NOT a big ole box of chocolates.

I don't think you'll have a problem overeating either of the first two!

Ok, so bad jokes aside, just because it's a holiday filled with love and romance doesn't mean you necessarily get to go crazy. Well, not with your nutrition plan, anyway ;-)

If you get some Valentine's day chocolates...or you go out to a nice dinner and that dessert cart rolls around with your favorites...just remember your GOALS. You do have goals, right?

Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend, but before I let you go I had to remind you that TODAY is the last day of Prograde Nutrition's 14% off Prograde Lean sale. Yes, Lean is their amazing chocolate meal replacement shake.

And I've partnered with Prograde for a reason: their products kick butt!

All the details, including the coupon code to use at checkout, are right here: http://lefeverwellness.getprograde.com/specials

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentines Sale on Prograde Lean (my favorite)

I'm going to make this very brief. My partners over at Prograde Nutrition - the ONLY supplement company I truly trust - are celebrating Valentine's Day a little early this year.


Well, they are putting their out-of-this-world delicious chocolate Prograde Lean Meal Replacement shake on sale this week at 14% off!

That's some serious savings for you chocolate lovers looking for a thick, rich and simple way to fit in those nutritious meals you've been missing. The same skipped meals that have been turning your metabolism into a slow crawl.

All the details, including the coupon code to use at checkout, are right here: http://lefeverwellness.getprograde.com/specials

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yours in health,

Coach Greg

PS - Again, this special ends THIS Friday at 11:59pm EST, so get your orders in NOW before you forget http://lefeverwellness.getprograde.com/specials

PPS - The 14% savings is on their delicious Prograde Lean, but I encourage you to continue shopping on the Prograde site. They have AMAZING products.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fattest day of the Year

It's the Fattest day on the calendar

Happy Super Bowl weekend everyone

You may have heard……Super bowl has achieved the not so honorable top spot as Americas #1 most fat filled gluttonous day on the calendar.

Even more than thanksgiving you ask?


Thanksgiving, although highly caloric if not well planned, at least has the opportunity of some healthy food choices; roasted turkey, green beans, sweet potatoes, corn…

Not so much the Super Bowl which seems to have become a fiesta of all things fried and highly caloric; fried wings, French fries, potato skins, chips, dips, shrimp stuffed with cheese and wrapped with bacon (ouch a fat and cholesterol bomb) – you get the point.

Add to the fine FAT cuisine some (sometimes too much) alcohol and you have yourself a 5000+ calorie day. YIKES!!!

You work too hard to ruin your progress in one day

How can you enjoy a great party and keep on track with your eating and fitness plan and not feel left out?

1) Bake or grill instead of fry - Simply that. Think of all the Bake opportunities, the wings and potatoes, meats etc that you can cook in other ways than frying.

2) Eat before the party – Have something healthy before you go to the party. A turkey sandwich, chicken salad etc. Get to the party full instead of hungry. Show up hungry and you are much more likely to overeat all the chips and fatty snack foods.

3) Find the bright foods – look for the veggie and fruit tray. There has to be one at the party, stay close to it and go to it to help curb the munchies. Just to be sure, take one yourself so you know you will have a healthy alternative.

4) Workout before the game – Get your metabolism burning before you party and you will at least be burning more calories – Check out this quick but effective two exercise workout – only a few minutes to light your furnace.


Enjoy your day, the game, your family, your friends, and drive safe

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How Do I Fit in a workout when I have no time

I'm asked frequently, "how do I get in a workout when I only have a few minutes" and Is it even worth my time?"

Question 1 - the best time to get in a workout is ANYTIME you can fit it in your schedule. You don’t need an hour in the gym for effective fitness. It’s cumulative. Meaning, you get in 10 minutes a couple of times, or even one time, and you will keep your metabolism burning throughout your day.

Question 2 - Yes its worth your time. Not only do you kick up your metabolism, but another benefit to the quick workout is increased energy levels. Your blood is flowing, your oxygen intake increases, its like a cup of coffee without the caffeine.

You also get 10 or so minutes of "you" time in to clear your mind and regroup with your workout.

Try any of our quick workouts and let me know how you feel.

Stay positive and on fire

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fat Burning Turkey Chili

This is a favorite recipe of my clients and in So Cal right now, this fat burning chili will warm your belly and nourish your body.

You can make this with beef or Turkey and beans for zinc and B vitamins, tomatoes and green peppers for vitamin C, and butternut squash for beta-carotene.

Her is the detail.

Beef (turkey) and Butternut Squash Chili
1 lb extra lean ground beef or Turkey breast
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 14 1/2 oz cans canned Mexican style stewed tomatoes
1 16 oz can chili beans
1/2 small butternut squash, peeled and cubed, about 1 1/2 cups
1 cup low sodium beef broth
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp chili powder
1 cup frozen corn kernels
Cook beef, bell pepper, onion and garlic over medium high heat until the meat crumbles and is no longer pink. Drain well and return to pan. Stir in tomatoes, chili beans, squash, beef broth, cumin and chili powder and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to medium low and simmer, stirring occasionally, 15 minutes. Stir in corn and cook uncovered 15 minutes or until squash is tender and chili is thickened.

Nutritional Information
234 (22% from fat)
6g (sat 2.3g,mono 2.3g,poly 0.4g)

Bon Apetite!!!

Please comment on the blog or email me and tell me how you and your family like it.

7 Kids Health Myths Every Mom should Ignore

I received this from a Dr friend of mine and thought you would benefit.

The comments from MC are Dr. Marc Crappo, the science behind the Symmetry wellness products (see Genesis bottle). He offers good nutritional advice. To review the porducts he is talking about go to www.choosegenesis.com

By Rosemary Black, Marguerite Lamb, and Laura Flynn McCarthy

When it comes to colds, flu, stomach bugs, and ear infections, everyone has a theory. Some have been passed down through generations, or are based on outdated science. A few just seem like common sense. But whatever their origin, many just aren't true.

The facts behind these myths:
Feed a cold, starve a fever
The truth: This centuries-old saying, popularized by Mark Twain, simply isn't so. All sick kids (and adults) -- whether they've got a cold, fever, or both -- need nutrients and liquids to get better, says Leigh Ann Greavu, a dietitian in St. Paul, Minnesota. If your child doesn't feel like eating solids, then chicken noodle soup, juice, and even ice cream are good alternatives.

mc- I wouldn’t recommend the ice cream to most of you, the sugar and dairy could cause some problems. Saying you need nutrients is right on though! Staying hydrated, getting liquids, is very important and Extreme Fuel supplies all the electrolytes your body needs with an herbal formula to help get rid of the achy body feeling and also give you a bit of an energy boost. From the nutrient side, Ultra Vitality Drink and Genesis will provide some much needed nutrition along with some hydration. Some recent studies on resveratrol have shown it can inhibit the replication of the flu virus.

I’m a big believer of vitamin C and studies have shown it can greatly lessen both the symptoms and the duration of a cold or flu. (Take one or two tablets every couple hours.) OptiBreathe was made these type of problems, take as many as you need, as often as you need some – meaning your symptoms should be noticeably better in 20 minutes. Many Symmetry folks have found Immunity to be a big help as well.

Greenish mucus means your child has something worse than a cold
The truth: Not usually. While clear mucus is most common, green or yellow can also just be symptoms of a cold. However, discolored mucus plus a persistent high fever, decreased appetite, cough, or severe nasal congestion may be signs of a bacterial infection, which -- unlike a cold -- could require antibiotics. If you notice your child often has green or yellow mucus, there may be an underlying problem (enlarged adenoids, for instance) that's causing recurring bacterial infections. In that case, let your pediatrician be your sleuth. (Tips for breaking the cycle of cold and flu germs. )

mc- Again, lots of Genesis, OptiBreathe and Immunity would be great and regular Botana-C during the day could offer even more benefit.

Colds and flu are most contagious before symptoms appear
The truth: They spread most easily when symptoms are at their worst. That's because these infections are commonly passed through coughed-up or sneezed-out droplets containing the virus, or via hand-to-hand contact. While the likelihood of catching (or passing) something peaks when kids are most miserable, the risk persists as long as the drip does. So even if your kid's almost over it, give the other moms in your playgroup a heads up; they may decide to take a rain check.

It's best not to treat mild fevers
The truth: It depends on how your child's feeling. Fevers do help fight infections by stimulating the immune system and killing bacteria and viruses that can't survive at higher-than-normal temperatures. But that's no reason to let your child be miserable.

Try to strike a balance between keeping him comfortable and letting his body do its job, says Daniel Levy, M.D., clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. If he has a mild fever but seems especially cranky, lethargic, or in pain, giving him the right dose of acetaminophen or ibuprofen will likely make him feel (and sleep) better. If he's reasonably happy and energetic even though his temperature is 102 degrees, keeping an eye on him may be enough (just make sure he's well hydrated). The exception: Any fever in an infant under 6 months merits a call to the doc at once.

mc- This where the nutrition can really help. Taking some Extreme Fuel for hydration and some Genesis and OptiBreathe could really take the edge off the nasty feeling while allowing the fever to do it’s job.

The B.R.A.T. Diet is best for diarrhea
The truth: A regimen of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast used to be the standard prescription for thickening watery stools. While they work great, a plate full of rice, with banana for dessert, isn't always appealing to a sick kid. "Your child will feel better faster if you feed him what he'll actually eat," says Andrea McCoy, M.D., an associate professor of pediatrics at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Just avoid spicy and greasy foods and fruit juice.)
mc- Lipo-Sorb with it’s blend of sea fibers can be a big help with the diarrhea.

Omega can help with the intestinal inflammation, as could Genesis and the inflammation is a big contributing factor in the diarrhea. One that can surprise folks is OptiBreathe… people think of this just as a help for the respiratory system but it’s beneficial for the mucosal membranes too and not just in the nose or throat but all through the GI system.

Don't kiss your baby if you have a cold
The truth: A peck on the lips probably won't hurt, says Neil Schachter, M.D., author of "The Good Doctor's Guide to Colds & Flu. " Unlike a sneeze or a cough, which bring forth viral-rich fluids from your airways, the saliva hanging out in your mouth harbors very little cold virus -- so it's surprisingly hard to pass the illness through kissing. The best way to keep your baby from catching your cold: Wash your hands often.

mc- Of course Symmetry offers the Botanic Gold to help you wash your hands and even your baby in a completely non-toxic substance.

Colds cause ear infections

The truth: It does seem that way, but all colds are caused by viruses, while 90 percent of ear infections are caused by bacteria. So, why does your child seem to get an ear infection every time he has a cold? "Colds create mucus and fluid buildup in the ear tubes -- a perfect environment for ear infection -- causing bacteria to grow," says Ari Brown, M.D., coauthor of "Toddler 411: Clear Answers and Smart Advice for Your Toddler."

mc- I’d go with lots of OptiBreathe, Genesis, Immunity and Botana-C for this one.
I hope you all are enjoying the holiday season and hope you stay healthy!

Information contained in this e-mail should not be viewed as medical advice or a replacement for examination and treatment from a competent medical professional, but is for informational and educational purposes only. You should never adjust or discontinue use of any medications without the direction of the prescribing physician.



Dr. Mark Crapo


Symmetry VP Product Technology & Training